Educational experiences

"Usually I feel awkward or uncomfortable when talking about menstrual cycles, but you made it feel like it was normal and I felt comfortable within a few minutes and I think that's important "- TY student Scoil Chriost Ri 

Is menstrual education and body literacy something that you would like to see addressed in depth in your school? 

The Mindful Cycle is a holistic, practical approach to menstrual literacy education, created and delivered by a qualified teacher, registered with the teaching council and professional menstrual cycle coach and facilitator.

Packages for Schools 

BOOK NOW FOR 2024/25 For second level

"A very safe and welcome environment where students felt happy to share experiences and ask questions. Very much delivered at the students level and hugely informative."- Coordinator TY

The Mindful Cycle approaches menstrual cycle education through the lens of mindfulness and body literacy, equipping your students with holistic habits and self-care skills for life! 

The Mindful Cycle Educational Experience

What's included? 

Secondary schools visited include St. Wolstan's, Scoil Chríost Rí, Presentation Secondary Kilkenny, Listowel and Tralee, Heywood Community School, Castlecomer Community School, Our Lady's Grove, Rockford Manor. 

Pricing starts at €429 for a workshop with up to 30 students per session. Discounted rates apply for full day visits and consecutive days booked

For more information on pricing for your specific needs please get in touch. 

Civil service travel and subsistence rates may apply

*The Mindful Cycle for Primary School pupils. 

"Paula is a lovely pleasant lady. lovely room and cosy, comfortable atmosphere to facilitate the delivery of a sensitive topic. It was great for the girls to have the opportunity to hear a professional talk about this important topic. Thanks to Paula for facilitating this talk." - Primary School Principal 

The Mindful Cycle approaches menstrual cycle education through the lens of mindfulness and body literacy. Equip your pupils with holistic habits and self-care skills for life! It demystifies periods and offers practical understanding. Suitable for 4th class upwards. 

Why not form a cluster of schools and spread the cost? 

Topics covered include: 

*Primary school curriculum links can be mapped to S.P.H.E (myself, self-identity, taking care of my body and growing and changing), Science(human life processes) and Maths (counting, noticing patterns)

Civil service travel and subsistence rates may apply

Menstrual education consultancy, The Mindful Cycle training and CPD packages available too for teachers and SNA's . 

Contact me for details. 

Student Testimonials

I think it was an amazing experience and the information and knowledge I gained will be with me for life. I think Paula is an incredible woman and she is making a big difference to young people also she was extremely kind, patient, forthcoming and understanding. I would 100% recommend to people to learn more about themselves and their cycle and also recommend this workshop. 

The workshop was extremely informative and I gained a lot of information that I wished we had been taught at a younger age. Thank you for your work in removing the stigma around periods and keep up the great work! 

I loved this experience, Paula was lovely and made me feel comfortable talking and asking questions! This experience was great and I'd recommend it to anyone 

-TY Students, Scoil Chríost Rí

I learned useful information today and feel more confident and safer in case I have any problems myself 

Thank you for this workshop, I found it interesting and very helpful! 

This workshop was fun and interesting 

Everything was useful information, despite the fact that I knew quite a bit of it. Learning about the products was good too.

-TY Students, Our Lady's Grove

Client Testimonials

I attended the Mindful Cycle workshop with Paula. Paula's knowledge and openness, matched with her warm presence and understanding, made it so easy, enjoyable and very worthwhile. I was so impressed by Paula's depth of knowledge, I only wish I had access to this information earlier in my life. It was also great to have the opportunity to reflect on my experience of my own cycle throughout the workshop. Paula's holistic approach and awareness made is a lovely safe space to learn, reflect and relax with no pressure

- Niamh, Primary School Teacher 

Fantastic delivery of course, wish I knew the information when I was younger, tracking periods, the different seasons and emotions you through, Paula is warm and friendly. You can hear the passion and care she has for this. Definitely highly recommend.

- Annette, SNA

So delighted I signed up, wish I had this information like this when I started my period or when I was trying to conceive, Thank you Paula, could listen to you all night

- Primary Teacher 

I enjoyed the whole thing. The phases, what is normal, what is a possible red flag, had never heard of seasons before, very interesting perspective to take.

- Secondary Teacher